Category: Uncategorized

New Year, New Updates

I’m working up updating the site, so far it looks a bit worse, but it’ll be worth it in the end. I’m converting it  so it’s all running on wordpress. It’ll make updating things in the future a LOT easier. Hopefully things will look a bit nicer as well. So far I’ve moved all the tour dates across, so that section should be working except for some posters and setlists (I’ve added the 2015 dates as well!) I’ve started work on the discography pages as well. So far just As the Roots Undo, but hopefully now I’ve made a start and I’m working out layouts etc, it’ll speed up a bit.

All the old site is still there, it can be accessed at this address so if anyone is looking for some information, try that link while I’m still updating things!

Fest update!

I got back from Fest a few weeks ago! I have so much stuff to add and proper report to write, but it was awesome and one of the best times of my life.
By this point I have so much stuff to add to this site its going to take a serious session, but I’ll try and get it done soon, promise!

I’m moving house on Tuesday, get settled and update is the plan, as always!

My Instagram has some pictures and stuff on it from the trip, and general Ctts pics

Set list from the Fest, as best I remember right now (I’ve got it written down properly somewhere)

1. A Disclaimer to The Self
2. Spirit narrative
3. Crowquill
4. In the nervous light
5. Enter by the narrow gates
6. Scarlet Rising
7. Singing vengeance into being
8. Non objective portrait of karma

Updates, Finally

I’ve finally got round to updating some things, Tour Dates should be all up to date now. Tomorrow I’m hoping to put in some of the release info I’ve been missing!
I’ve been working slowly on a more major update to the site, new additions, different colors.. but it’s slowed down a lot with other work at the moment.

But for now, updates!!

Big Updates

I’m working on something I’ve wanted to do for a while now.

Changing the front page into a proper ‘blog’ style. It’s been some hard work so far, and a lot of learning about mysql and wordpress. But i’m getting there slowly. Next up is tweaking this to look nicer!